Adapt your targets to your products!

Vision, organisation, information systems
Competitiveness services.
Let's control your growth.
OpenField is involved in two main situations: either to stimulate growth, or to structure growth.
To stimulate a company’s growth, we help avoid the risks of overload and fatigue of existing resources, investment management problems, and disengagement of teams due to a loss of focus on the company’s core activities.
And, to structure growth, we help avoid the risks of disorganisation, such as operational inefficiency, frequent errors, poor communication and loss of competitiveness.
Let's develop your corporate culture.
One company may find it difficult to align its teams around common objectives, which can slow down decision-making and the execution of projects.
Similarly, another company may see a deterioration in the internal atmosphere as it grows, which can lead to a drop in employee motivation, an increase in staff turnover and greater risks of internal conflict.
The ability to manage growth depends to a large extent on the quality of the company’s culture and the resulting organisation. Simply making operational or commercial adjustments is not enough to succeed.
The challenge of growth concerns the whole company. If you feel that your working methods or the way you sell and produce are being held back significantly, external help is probably welcome.
Let's adapt your technology choices.
Today’s technologies offer many powerful tools, such as project management software, which can greatly improve collaboration within teams.
The choice of software and its combination determines the information system of any business, influencing the ease and relevance of collaboration. The best technologies deliver value by transforming data into advice and guidance, but only if the vision, objectives and measures are clearly defined. Without a clear vision, data can remain untapped and technology tools underused.
What’s more, a well-organised business is better prepared to identify the specific needs of each department, select the most appropriate tools and ensure the effective adoption of these technologies by its teams.
OpenField's services enhance
your brand, products and skills.
- How can you talk about growth without defining what you want to increase?
- What indicators should be monitored?
- What is their current state and what do we need to achieve?
- Do you have all the skills you need to ‘manage’ your growth?
- Do you have a defined schedule for the evolutions you are aiming for?
- What can you expect from your workforce?
- What could be more rewarding for teams than to see them evolve
- Is it difficult to transform undergone pressure into a constructive dynamic?
- On what pillars can you base your future development?